Industry project: Help the Adelaide Business Collective improve its membership numbers

Adelaide’s retail and hospitality businesses are hallmarks of the city’s bustling business district, however, there is a need for collaborative leadership initiatives in order to keep up with new trends and drive competition.

The Adelaide Business Collective is a not-for-profit business organisation that represents the views of businesses in the City and North Adelaide. Their objective is to unite city businesses so that they can use their collective strength to provide a united voice and improve the business environment.

Through understanding the latest research regarding customer engagement, business to business marketing, and relationship building, you can then apply these learnings to help an industry partner achieve their objectives.

This opportunity will involve working closely with a supervisor as well as the Adelaide Business Council, and may also involve an internship for assisting you to build your experience.

If you're interested in business-to-business marketing, you may consider undertaking an Honours project on this topic.

Tagged in Honours


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