Student Prizes

Adelaide Business School hosts an annual student awards event that recognises high achieving students who have achieved outstanding results in our business courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Partnering with our industry sponsors helps us recognise and reward our student talent. 

Associations & company prize sponsors 

  • The PKF Adelaide Prize for Accounting Foundations

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a contribution by PKF Adelaide who are establishing the prize to recognise and support undergraduate students.

    In support of the prize PKF Adelaide shall provide to the University within 30 days of request by invoice from the University, an annual amount equivalent to $500. PKF Adelaide commits to providing this annual support for a period of 3 years, commencing 2022 (awarded in 2023) concluding in 2024 (awarded in 2025).

    Eligibility and Payment
    The prize will be awarded by the University to the student with the highest grade in Accounting Foundations. The prize shall comprise a payment by the University to the successful prize candidate(s) in an annual amount of $500.

    Selection of Candidate
    The Adelaide Business School shall award the prize to the graduate(s) with the highest mark in the undergraduate course Accounting Foundations.
    If there is no candidate of sufficient merit in a given year then the prize will not be awarded and the money will be used in subsequent years.

    The prize shall be shared equally if there is more than one candidate of equal merit.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the original objectives of the prize at the direction of PKF Adelaide.


  • The UniSuper Prize for Portfolio Theory and Management

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a contribution by UniSuper who are establishing the prize to recognise and support undergraduate students.

    In support of the prize UniSuper shall provide to the University within 30 days of request by invoice from the University, an annual amount equivalent to $600. UniSuper commits to providing this annual support for a period of 3 years, commencing 2022 (awarded in 2023) concluding in 2024 (awarded in 2025).

    Eligibility and Payment
    The prize will be awarded by the University to the student who obtain the highest marks in the undergraduate course, Portfolio, Theory and Management.

    The prize shall comprise a payment by the University to the successful prize candidate(s) in an annual amount of $600.

    Selection of Candidate
    The Adelaide Business School shall award the prize to the graduate(s) with the highest mark in the undergraduate course Portfolio Theory and Management.
    If there Is no candidate of sufficient merit in a given year then the prize will not be awarded and the money will be used in subsequent years.
    The prize shall be shared equally, if there is more than one candidate of equal merit.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the original objectives of the prize.

  • The Redarc Electronics Prize for Enterprise Project

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a contribution by Redarc Electronics who are establishing the prize to recognise and support postgraduate students.

    In support of the prize Redarc Electronics shall provide to the University within 30 days of request by invoice from the University, an annual amount equivalent to $600. Redarc Electronics commits to providing this annual support for a period of 3 years, commencing in 2023 for the 2022 award and concluding in 2025 for the 2024 award.

    Eligibility and Payment  
    The prize will be awarded by the University to the student who obtain the highest marks in the postgraduate course, Enterprise Project (6 units) or Enterprise Project Part B (3 units).

    The prize shall comprise a payment by the University to the successful prize candidate(s) in an annual amount of $600.

    Selection of Candidate  
    The Adelaide Business School shall award the prize to the graduate(s) with the highest mark in the postgraduate course Enterprise Project (6 units) or Enterprise Project Part B (3 units). If there is no candidate of sufficient merit in a given year then the prize will not be awarded and the money will be used in subsequent years.

    The prize shall be shared equally if there is more than one candidate of equal merit.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the original objectives of the prize.

  • The Taylor Collison Prize for Business Finance

    This proposal would establish a prize for Business Finance as a result of a contribution by Taylor Collison who are considering options to recognise and support undergraduate students.

    In support of the prize Taylor Collison will provide the University within 30 days of request by invoice from the University, an annual amount equivalent to $1500 and commits to providing this annual support for a period of three years, commencing 2022 (awarded in 2023) and concluding in 2024 (awarded in 2025).

    Eligibility and Payment

    The prize will be awarded by the University to the student with the highest grade in Business Finance (with a minimum GPA of a distinction). The prize shall comprise a payment by the University to the successful prize candidate(s) in an annual amount of $1500.

    Selection of Candidate
    The Adelaide Business School shall award the prize to the Student with the highest grade in Business Finance. If there is no candidate of sufficient merit in a given year then the prize will not be awarded and the money will be used in subsequent years. The prize shall be shared equally, if there is more than one candidate of equal merit.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the original objectives of the prize at the direction of the Dean of Business, Adelaide Business School.

    Benefits to Taylor Collison
    Sponsoring a prize comes with several benefits to Taylor Collison. As a sponsor, Taylor Collison will be invited to attend the annual Prize Ceremony with up to 150 guests from local industry. This is also an opportunity to meet the prize winner(s) and to network with other businesses, the guest speaker, and senior staff from both the Adelaide Business School and Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics.

    Taylor Collison will also receive:

    • The opportunity to network with up to 50 top performing students within the Adelaide Business School and further establish suitability for future employment
    • Two guests passes to the Annual Prizes Ceremony
    • Promotion of the event and their sponsorship on Faculty and School social media and websites.
    • Promotion of their brand on presentation slides, the event brochure and invitation; and 
    • Access to promotional photography from the event.
  • Auditor-General's Department Prize for Financial Accounting

    This Prize was established by a contribution to the University by the Auditor-General's Department to recognise and support students studying financial accounting.

    To be eligible for the prize, candidates must have successfully completed ACCT/NG 2501 Financial Accounting in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – Auditor-General's Department Prize for Financial Accounting

  • Auditor-General's Department Prize for Accounting Systems and Data Analytics

    This prize was established by a contribution to the University by the Auditor-General's Department to recognise and support students studying accounting systems and data analytics.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the undergraduate course ACCT/NG 2503 Accounting Systems and Data Analytics in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – Auditor-General's Department Prize for Accounting Systems and Data Analytics

  • The Catapult Wealth Prize for Fintech and Disruption In Financial Services

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a contribution by Catapult Wealth who are establishing the prize to recognise and support undergraduate students.

    The prize will be awarded by the University to the student with the highest grade in Fintech and Disruption in Financial Services, (with a minimum of a distinction).

    Prize Rules – Auditor-General's Department Prize for Accounting Systems and Data Analytics

  • The Hender Consulting Prize

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Hender Consulting who are establishing the prize to recognise and support postgraduate coursework students in the Adelaide Business School.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course MANAGEMT 7087 - Managing Organisational Behaviour in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – The Hender Consulting Prize

  • The CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Concepts and Methods

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by CPA Australia for a prize in accounting in the Adelaide Business School.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course, ACCT/NG 7019 Accounting Concepts and Methods (M) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – The CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Concepts and Methods

  • The CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Theory

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by CPA Australia for a prize in accounting in the Adelaide Business School.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ACCT/NG 3500 Accounting Theory in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – The CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Theory


  • The AW Bampton Prize

    By Deed of Gift dated 30 September 2020, Andrew Davies AM donated $10,000 to the University for a prize in business with a preference for accounting or finance, named in memory of A W Bampton (“Purpose”). The University will invest the Gift in perpetuity and use the income from the Gift for the Purpose. Any unexpended income arising from the Gift in any year may be retained as income and be available in a subsequent year for the Purpose. Alternatively, unexpended income may be added to the capital of the Gift.  This is an endowed prize with the capital held in the University’s Endowment Fund1 and the income distribution each year used to fund the Prize. The University accepted the donation upon the trusts specified by the donor and the donation therefore became the capital subject to those trusts (‘capital sum’).

    Name of the fund
    The capital sum, all income arising from the capital sum and any accumulations and additions together form a fund called the ‘A W Bampton Prize’ (‘fund’).

    Investment of the fund
    The fund is to be amalgamated for the purposes of investment, and held in a common fund, and the net income earned by the common fund shall be credited, rateably, to the funds so amalgamated and thereafter distributed according to the trusts specified by the donor.



    In administering the fund, the University must adhere to the terms specified and is obliged:-

    1. to invest the capital sum according to the directions of the donor; and
    2. to establish and administer a prize in the manner described in the following Rules.


    The Prize shall be called “The AW Bampton Prize”.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually and the value of the Prize will be $500.00.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the Master of Accounting and Finance at the University of Adelaide in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Selection of Candidate
    The Prize will be awarded by the Adelaide Business School Board of Examiners or executively by the Dean of Business to the most meritorious student qualifying for the Master of Accounting and Finance.

    If there is no candidate of sufficient merit in any given year then the Prize will not be awarded in that year.

    If there is more than one candidate of equal merit, then the Prize may be shared equally.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the University’s legal obligations and policies.

  • GKB Chowdary Prize for Entrepreneurial Leadership

    Prize Rules

    This Prize was established by a donation to the University by Dr Rajeev Kamineni in honour of his uncle Mr GKB Chowdary. Rajeev is a lecturer of Management at the Adelaide Business School.

    In support of the prize, the donor has agreed to donate the prize amount annually to the University for five years from 2023-2027 until otherwise determined by the University after discussions with the donor.

    The Prize shall be called the "GKB Chowdary Prize for Entrepreneurial Leadership".

    The Prize shall be awarded annually and the value of the Prize will be $500.00.

    To be eligible for the prize, candidates must have successfully completed the course ENTREP3015 Entrepreneurial Leadership in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Selection of Candidate
    The Adelaide Business School shall award the prize to the student(s) with the highest mark in the undergraduate course ENTREP 3015 Entrepreneurial Leadership, with a minimum Distinction average GPA. If there is no candidate of sufficient merit in a given year then the prize will not be awarded and the money will be used in subsequent years. Where there is more than one student of equal merit, the prize shall be awarded equally.

    The University may vary the rules from time to time in a manner consistent with the University's legal obligations and policies.

  • Ann Wills Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) Prize

    This Prize was established in 2016 by a donation to the University from Mr William Wills AM to establish a prize in memory of his late wife, Ann Wills, who was a former academic staff member and Deputy Head of the Commerce Department.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Corporate Finance at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – Ann Wills Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)

  • George Thompson Prize in Commerce

    This Prize was established in 1923 by a donation to the University from the Adelaide Cooperative Society Limited for the purpose of establishing a prize in memory of George Thompson, who was the first Secretary and Manager of the Society.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Corporate Finance, Accounting or Marketing at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – George Thompson Prize in Commerce

  • Joseph Fisher Medal and Prize in Commerce

    This Prize was established in 1903 by a donation of £1,000 to the University from Joseph Fisher, Esquire, for the purpose of promoting with the income thereof, the study of commerce in the University. The grant provided for a medal awarded annually to a student of Advanced Commerce (The Joseph Fisher Medal for Commerce) and a lecture on a subject relating to commerce to be delivered every alternate year (or as income permits).

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Accounting at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – Joseph Fisher Medal and Prize in Commerce


  • Dr Ankit Agarwal Prize for Applying Management Theoretical Concepts in Life

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Dr Ankit Agarwal, who is an academic staff member at the Adelaide Business School. The prize reflects his passion for scholarship and learning and teaching theories by linking them to life experiences at the University of Adelaide. In particular, the prize recognises the high value placed upon applying theories learned in class to life experiences outside the classroom to make sense of  who we are and why we act in the ways we do.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed their first year of the Bachelor of Business and have successfully completed COMMGMT 1001 Managing Organisations and People in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    Prize Rules – Dr Ankit Agarwal Prize for Applying Management Theoretical Concepts in Life