Welcome to our new Wine Business Program Director

Adelaide Business School is excited to officially welcome Dr David Jaud, Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Wine Business, as the new Wine Business Program Director at the end of July.

Dr David Jaud

“I’m thrilled to join the team at Adelaide Business School and lead their great wine business program as well as teaching in it. I am also excited to conduct my research on consumer behavior in an academic environment with a reputation for excellence” Dr Jaud says.

“I’ve lived and worked in some of the best wine regions in the world including Bordeaux, and I’m very excited to add South Australia and its prestigious wine regions to that list!”Dr David Jaud

Originally from France, Dr Jaud most recently worked as an Associate Professor of Marketing at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux, where he’s been for the last five years. Here Dr Jaud taught the Master in Wine and Spirit Management. He also acted as Deputy Director of the Research Chair “Responsible Wine Consumption” for three years.

Prior to this, he received his PhD in marketing from Massey University (Auckland, New Zealand) and worked as a marketing lecturer there. Dr Jaud was a popular educator, nominated three times for Massey’s Lecturer of the Year award, and has received excellent evaluations from his students since.

As a Consumer Behaviour researcher, Dr Jaud is interested in consumers’ responses to wine and food products in general. In particular, Dr Jaud has investigated the effect of wine label design or product packaging on product evaluations and purchasing behavior, using quantitative methods, such as experiments and analysis of retail sales.

Dr Jaud’s other research interests include package design; sensory marketing; consumer emotions and perception; responsible consumption; and consumer wellbeing. His research has been published in international academic journals including Food Quality and Preference, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Psychology & Marketing.

Dr Armando Maria Corsi, Acting Discipline Leader Marketing and Director of the Wine Business Group, says: “It’s great to welcome David to the Marketing Discipline and particularly to the Wine Business Group.”

“David brings a wealth of expertise in marketing and wine business, allowing us to advance our research, education, and industry engagement activities.”Dr Armando Maria Corsi

“In particular, David will lead our Wine Business offering, with exciting new opportunities on the horizon brought by the merger between the University of Adelaide and UniSA. David’s extensive international experience will also help us strengthen our collaboration with researchers, education providers and partners located overseas.”

Dr Jaud has experience in different facets of the wine industry; before becoming an academic, he held various positions in Sales and Finance in the wine business industry in Bordeaux. As a result, alongside conducting research and teaching as an academic, Dr Jaud has regularly consulted for wine companies and retailers, across France and New Zealand.

In his spare time, he enjoys running and exploring the great outdoors, discovering local wildlife (including snakes!), and drinking Australian wines.

Welcome, Dr David Jaud!

Tagged in Wine Business


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