Advancement of Australian Lifestyle Wines
The Australian wine sector could be a leading global producer of ‘lifestyle wines’ – wines lower in alcohol and calories than traditional wines.

To achieve this vision, academics from the Adelaide Business School, working in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology and industry partners, are conducting industry-focused research to produce, market and sell no- and low-alcohol (NOLO) wines that exceed consumer expectations.
"This project, and the interdisciplinary team of researchers and industry partners gives us a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of NOLO research, across the entire supply chain, from production, right through to retailing, labelling, and understanding consumer preferences across key export markets" – Dr Rebecca Dolan, Adelaide Business School
The research will leverage the resources and expertise of a consortium of industry stakeholders (from across the supply chain) and world-renowned researchers to address key NOLO winemaking challenges: microbial stability and shelf-life, flavour capture and re-use, mouthfeel and textural deficiencies, and the image of NOLO wine. This multi-faceted approach will deliver growth in global markets, and therefore economic benefits for the wine industry.
Kerry Wilkinson Paul Grbin David Jeffery Sue Bastian |
Richard Muhlack Armando Corsi Rebecca Dolan Steve Goodman |
Industry Partners
The research grant to the value of $2,997,599 along with a partner contribution to the value of $3,706,753 will allow us and industry partners Australian Vintage Ltd, Drinkwise Australia Limited, The Australian Wine Research Institute, Flavourtech Pty Limited, Tarac Technologies Pty Ltd, S. Smith & Son Pty Limited, Treasury Wine Estates Vintners Limited, Danstar Ferment AG, Mauri Yeast Australia Pty Limited, Chr. Hansen A/S to continue to innovate in the low and no-alcohol wine markets.
Read more: Decanter and Australian Vintage
Contact: Dr Rebecca Dolan, or Associate Professor Armando Maria Corsi
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