Adelaide MBA continues to impact daily work life of graduate

As a female in the construction industry, Megan felt overlooked and stuck in her career. She made a 'crazy decision' and decided to do back to back master’s degrees, first the Adelaide MBA and then Master of Applied Project Management (MAPM), both with Adelaide Business School.
"Because you are studying while you are working, everything you do is immediately applicable to your work. I solved a lot of problems while I was studying the MBA,"MBA graduate Megan Hayward
With the Adelaide MBA, she had the confidence to participate in conversations in a language she had not used before, which got her noticed and helped her to step up and take on larger projects with more responsibility.
While Megan studied, she recalls enjoying all the lecturers and guest presenters, whilst learning about all the amazing local South Australian businesses.
Megan said entrepreneurship was her favourite course.
"The lecturer was inspiring and got her thinking about running my own show, but equally how to be an intrapreneur in the business I worked in," she said.
She added she has been able to develop her skills in business and project management which has enabled her to take on projects, that in her early 30s, she would never have imagined she could do after her study.
"The MBA and my studies impact my work every day, whether it is looking at financials, preparing a business case, seeking board approval, negotiating with clients or just working with my team and others in the business. The MBA really honed my business skills and gave me the language and tools to do what I do (most days) successfully. "Megan Hayward
Megan has written strategies and business plans for asset portfolios made up of some 14,000 assets nationally with a value of $1.4B and with an active resident group of some 17,000 individuals. She has designed and delivered strategic portfolio plans that protected and enhanced the housing portfolios of not for profit, community housing providers from both an asset and social perspective, which covered a portfolio of 2200 property assets worth $450M approx. (and smaller in others) and through this work developed a property development pipeline of $160M (approx.), resulting in around 1400 new housing and asset outcomes and planned maintenance activities of $24M. She has created design frame works, implemented committees and delivered or participated in the delivery of hundreds of properties in her career.
Now with more than 15 years’ experience in construction and building, Megan’s capabilities and competencies extend across business operations and contracts administration, to land development and building design, change management and strategy. Megan has worked in both private and the not for profit sectors (Community Housing) and is committed to improving housing and neighbourhoods to support some of our most vulnerable Australians and to improve their quality of life. Aspiring to be a champion for change, Megan is passionate about driving built form in Australia to its maximum potential and creating housing product that ensures the older population (especially women) are able to age in place gracefully, and that all Australians, no matter their status, can have an adaptable and affordable home for life.
Megan is currently an Adelaide MBA mentor who still gets involved in the program and has supported current MBA students to find their own personal success.
Are you ready to accept your challenge and take on an Adelaide MBA? Join us on 10th of November and hear directly from Megan, and learn more about how you can excel your career.
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